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Tuesday is a day for sharing

To the Glory of God

South Beach Christian Outreach (SBCO) is a community outreach to Washington's South Beach, from Ocosta to Westport to Grayland and to Tokeland.


We exist to help build community, and assist those who are in need physically and spiritually.


Every Tuesday, SBCO provides lunch as well as fresh and frozen foods, clothing, toiletries and much more as they are made available to us. 


SBCO is staffed by volunteers from various local churches and the community who desire to spread the Love of God, the Gospel, and continue the work of Jesus through practical means.


Bring lightly used clothing or household items on Tuesdays from 11 to 1 to God's Closet, the little gray house in the parking lot of 617 S. Forrest, Westport.


Bring unexpired food donations to the big building from 10 to 2 on Tuesdays.


We can always use monetary donations. Please ask for Joe on Tuesdays or send a donation through the mail.


Come join us for free hot lunch on Tuesdays from

11:00 am - 2:00 pm. Lunch is free, smiles are plentiful and conversation is lively.


Groceries are given away from noon to 2 pm.



Contact Us


PO BOX 133
617 S Forrest St
Westport, WA 98595

EIN 91-1866846 



Joe DeYoung, Operations Director

Open on Tuesdays

Lunch              11 am to 2 pm

Groceries          Noon to 2 pm

God's Closet      Noon to 2 pm

Donations         11 am to 1 pm

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